
OnePlus since its inception has been christened as the flagship killer in the world of smartphones. It offers cutting-edge features at an affordable price. They have defended their title over the years in the face of many other potentially dangerous contenders but have emerged victorious nevertheless. With the launch of their flagship phone the OnePlus 5. They were taking their ball game to the next level. With a revolutionary dual camera setup, smaller bezels, the latest Snapdragon processor and dash charge, its feature list was as impressive as the price tag that it came with. OnePlus had a very different product launch procedure when they had started out. The invites that people required to purchase the phone was the only available gateway to the product. No press releases, no advertising and no retail outlets. OnePlus changed their strategy entirely with the recent versions of their flagship phones and over the years, their product launches have been getting bigger and better. The media has played a great role in keeping their buzz alive. OnePlus had to ensure with the launch of their new flagship, the media would get a proper interactive experience with the phone. If not the phone they would at least be able to understand the latest features.

The Project

A Multitaction unit would be great at displaying information that the media could interact with. Xenium Digital besides providing the unit itself, conceptualised and designed the user interface of the unit. It would display the features of the phone, explain the advantage of adding another camera and much more. To showcase how brilliant, the new imaging unit is, there were a bunch of photos and videos that were taken using the OnePlus 5. The media was stored within the Multitaction unit and could be accessed easily.


The Multitaction unit fulfilled OnePlus’s requirements of an interactive user information unit that would be easy to operate alongside being extremely intuitive. Small or big, Xenium Digital has solutions for all kinds of business.