These promotions were held over the weekend in R City Mall Ghatkopar and Oberoi Mall in Goregaon. Riddhi Dogra a contestant/actor of Season 6 visited Oberoi Mall on Sunday. Technologies such as Oculus Rift & Kinect camera were used at the event to create a Daring Slacklining challenge for the participants. The event gathered huge crowd of approximately 2000 participants directly participating in the event. It was a daring challenge where participants were required to wear Oculus Rift thereby creating a Virtual Experience of being on the top of 50 storey building. This Environment covered a Rope tied to the ends of two 50 storey building. 5 Fear factor flags were attached at different points on the rope. Contestants were also required to hold a bar to balance their walk over rope. This wireless bar automatically sense the position of the contestant and was used to balance the rope.
When the challenge begins, the contestant feels like being on the top of a 50 storey building, they have to collect all the 5 flags attached to the rope in order to complete the challenge. Less than 50% of the participants were able to complete the challenge. They were handed over different Gifts for completing this challenge. While the event was fun and creative, few participants who failed to complete the challenge and fell off the rope were scared and got tumbled over the floor. They were scared to wear the device thereby creating a Lifetime Experience.